Who is Yazan Al Kafarna

Who is Yazan Al Kafarna? Biography, Age, Cause of Death

Yazan Al Kafarna was a 10-year-old Palestinian boy. I’m feeling very sad to say that he has tragically passed away in Gaza. This is due to the dehydration and shortage of food.

He had cerebral palsy and required specific food and nutrients to keep him alive, but his family was unable to obtain the necessary resources. The story of this boy shows that how brutally the people of Palestine are devastating. There is huge shortage of food, water and medicines.

His father shared a message on social media. He expressed his feelings and said that how this war is not only devastating the lives but resources as well. There are hundreds of lives in Gaza who are looking for help.

The images of Yazan Al Kafarna got viral on social media. After seeing his photos we all are in deep grieve and sorrow. His pictures are enough to describe the current condition of Palestine.

Yazan’s death is a enough to expose the so called “HUMANITY” of Israel 😡, international relief foundations and their companions.

Yazan Al Kafarna

Yazan Al Kafarna

Birth NameYazan Al Kafarna
Birth PlaceGaza, Palestine
Date of Death4 March 2024
Death PlaceAl-Najjar Hospital, Rafah, Gaza
Cause of DeathHunger and malnutrition
EducationLocal School Education

The Message of Yazan’s Father on Social Media

Yazan Al Kafarna was a 10-year-old boy who died because he didn’t have enough food and was very sick.

His father posted a sad message on social media with a picture of Yazan when he was healthy before the war started. The video became very popular, and many people felt sorry for Yazan and his family.

Yazan’s father talked about how the war made it hard for them to get food and medical help. He showed how Yazan used to be healthy but became very weak because he wasn’t getting enough to eat. He asked the world to stop the war and let the people in Gaza have a better life.

Yazan’s story is not the only one like this. Many people in Gaza are suffering because they don’t have enough food, water, electricity, medicine, and other things they need to live. Children are especially at risk of getting sick, hurt, or even dying.

Yazan’s father wants people to help. He wants the world to do something about the problem in Gaza. He wants everyone to remember what happened to Yazan and other children and make sure it doesn’t happen again. He wants a solution that will make Gaza better and give children like Yazan a peaceful and happy future.


Who was Yazan Al Kafarna?

Yazan Al Kafarna was a 10-year-old boy from Gaza who tragically died from hunger and malnutrition.

Why did Yazan’s father post a message on social media?

Yazan’s father shared a message on social media to raise awareness about the dire situation in Gaza and the impact of the conflict on children like Yazan.

What did Yazan’s father want to achieve with his message?

Yazan’s father wanted to draw attention to the suffering in Gaza and urged for immediate action to end the war and alleviate the humanitarian crisis.

What is the situation like for people in Gaza?

People in Gaza face a severe humanitarian crisis due to a long-standing blockade, resulting in limited access to essential resources like food, water, and medical care.

How can we help the people of Gaza?

Supporting humanitarian organizations and advocating for an end to the conflict and the lifting of the blockade are ways to help the people of Gaza.

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